Five Characters in Seach of an Exit
2013 37”x 12”x 33” Clay, canvas, wood, acrylic, string, vintage buttons
A sculptural variation on a literary interpretation: five puppets, their commonality the wood and strings from which they are suspended, but different in their details, the masks, the color, the buttons.

Five Characters in Search of an Exit detail

Five Characters in Search of an Exit detail

Mixed Metaphors
2014 107”x 36”x 36” scrabble cubes, jump rope, rubber bucket, rope ladder, block and chain: a myriad of objects suspended from a steel ring, in a singular purpose of engagement

Mixed Metaphors detail
Scrabble cubes spell out the titular anagram.

Mixed Metaphors detail
This personal icon, 6" in height, of miniscule weight, balances precariously on the steel swing.

Ring the Changes
2014 107”x 30”x 30” canvas, bells, buttons, stainless steel, ropes, misc. hardware.
This is a metaphor for three stages of life, each with its own weight to carry.

Ring the Changes detail

Weighty Matters
2009 44” x 42” x 7” rope, weight, canvas, wood, chain
My earliest aesthetic influences came from the animations of Max and Dave Fleischer: an orchestration of incongruities in darkness and light, goodness and evil, innocence and guilt. Images of realism and abstraction were cleverly interwoven with humor, fantasy and fear underlying each narrative. The plasticity of these ever-morphing images carried the 2-d world into a sculptural vision, and my inchoate understanding that the playful can be very serious business had indeed begun.

Weighty Matters detail

Party of Three
2007 50” x 22” x 22” aluminum, plaster, canvas, brass, clay
Sometimes each one of us is the odd one out. So let’s take the story of these three disparate creatures: in color or its absence, as fragile as plaster or as tough as bronze, with focused determination or happy- go-lucky complacency, each travels in its own circle yet shares the same planetary spin.
We can dress ourselves up and celebrate our oddities with our fellow travelers. We orbit a multi-faceted belief system.
The message is simple: we were all at that same party and have the hats on to prove it.
Party of Three detail
Five Characters in Seach of an Exit
2013 37”x 12”x 33” Clay, canvas, wood, acrylic, string, vintage buttons
A sculptural variation on a literary interpretation: five puppets, their commonality the wood and strings from which they are suspended, but different in their details, the masks, the color, the buttons.
Five Characters in Search of an Exit detail
Five Characters in Search of an Exit detail
Mixed Metaphors
2014 107”x 36”x 36” scrabble cubes, jump rope, rubber bucket, rope ladder, block and chain: a myriad of objects suspended from a steel ring, in a singular purpose of engagement
Mixed Metaphors detail
Scrabble cubes spell out the titular anagram.
Mixed Metaphors detail
This personal icon, 6" in height, of miniscule weight, balances precariously on the steel swing.
Ring the Changes
2014 107”x 30”x 30” canvas, bells, buttons, stainless steel, ropes, misc. hardware.
This is a metaphor for three stages of life, each with its own weight to carry.
Ring the Changes detail
Weighty Matters
2009 44” x 42” x 7” rope, weight, canvas, wood, chain
My earliest aesthetic influences came from the animations of Max and Dave Fleischer: an orchestration of incongruities in darkness and light, goodness and evil, innocence and guilt. Images of realism and abstraction were cleverly interwoven with humor, fantasy and fear underlying each narrative. The plasticity of these ever-morphing images carried the 2-d world into a sculptural vision, and my inchoate understanding that the playful can be very serious business had indeed begun.
Weighty Matters detail
Party of Three
2007 50” x 22” x 22” aluminum, plaster, canvas, brass, clay
Sometimes each one of us is the odd one out. So let’s take the story of these three disparate creatures: in color or its absence, as fragile as plaster or as tough as bronze, with focused determination or happy- go-lucky complacency, each travels in its own circle yet shares the same planetary spin.
We can dress ourselves up and celebrate our oddities with our fellow travelers. We orbit a multi-faceted belief system.
The message is simple: we were all at that same party and have the hats on to prove it.
Party of Three detail